We are actively monitoring the coronavirus (COVID‑19) situation and are taking steps to help keep those that rely on our platform safe.

As CEO, I wanted to reach out personally regarding the Coronavirus situation. The health and safety of our team members, 4 and 2 legged customers is, and always will be our top priority. As we all drift into uncharted territories, we need to remember to work together to get through this.

We are staying up-to-date on the latest information from the CDC as well as city, state, and federal government directives and are preparing to take actions as necessary to help ensure people stay safe.

If you are sick, please stay home and refrain from using our services.

We have asked all our Diver Partners to disinfect their cars daily.

If you suspect one of our drivers to be sick, please send a message to customer service – pickusup@spoton.pet or 929.400.5780. We will suspend that driver until they can prove to us they have been medically cleared.

If we get report from our drivers that a customer is sick, we will suspend that customer’s account until they can prove to us that they have been medically cleared.

Many of us are able to work from home. But many others, like SpotOn drivers, can’t work from home. The team at SpotOn feels as though we need to do something to help those that are already feeling the financial fallout. Therefore, as a way of relieving some stress, SpotOn is offering 100% commission to all drivers on our platform. I hope this small measure helps our drivers get through this tough time. But at the end of the day, we need your help.

If you are HEALTHY & NEED to get around NYC, please consider taking a SpotOn. You don’t have to have your pet with you for a ride.

Thank you again for your continued support and please reach out anytime if you have questions for us or concerns. We’re more than happy to help. Most importantly, stay healthy and safe.



Founder & CEO